Being in a Body
We all live in a body, through which and in which, all of life is experienced. And in this body, we form and become who we are, according to what we think, do, seed and grow in us.
This walk is like a first meeting between friends – you and your body walking together – and is an opening exploration and discovery about the body and its incredible capabilities and design. It journeys through experiences and qualities including speeds, intimacy, natures, blueprints and connections, opening your awareness to the undiscovered self.
Science has revealed much about our bodies, but there is so much more to understand and get to know in a living and experiential way. As an example: What is the instinct? How does it work, and what is it meant to handle and do? What about the emotion, the mind, the many senses…?
Begin a new, unfamiliar and more intimate relationship between you and your body, walking together.